Last year recycling promoters Pantamera released Panta World, a game created by SkyFox Interactive that lets friends gather around the screen to sort out bottles and collect points for combos and more. After the success of the app for tablets and cellphones, Pantamera wanted to make an arcade version of the game so that more people could play in schools or at exhibitions to further promote recycling of bottles and cans.
SkyFox Interactive that designed the thrilling game then looked for a partner to make an arcade cabinet that would strengthen the sense of recycling by use of an environmentally friendly design in wood and choose me as their partner to make this arcade game a reality.
They provided me specifications on the hardware consisting of a 32" touch screen with built in speakers and a powerful gaming computer that needed to fit well in the cabinet. Also, the cabinet needed to be modular so that it could be either 90 cm high for people to stand around it, or 30 cm low to be able to place it on a table or on the floor for kids to play.

Images showing interaction with the game and the three boxes stacked on top.
By choosing laser cutting as the manufacturing method I could design parts for the boxes that could be assembled like a puzzle as I wanted to reduce or eliminate any need for visible fastening bolts or similar.
Although it looks like simple wood boxes, quite a lot of effort went into making the design modular so that each box could be removed by use of wing nuts that connect the boxes from below. This way each of the three boxes could be attached to each other without the need for any tools while still being hidden and making transportation in pieces easy. The gap between the boxes also provided some ventilation and a path for the sound to get out while also allowing the power cable to be run through. Finally, the logo of the game was engraved on each side of the top box.
By use of laser cutting materials one gets tight tolerances and endless possibilities for creating custom casing designs for games or information booths to gather around when at conferences or exhibitions. There are plenty of other uses for laser cutting and lots of available material options. Laser cutting can be done in wood, plastic, cork, cardboard, metal and more. Please contact me if you are in need of something that is custom made for your company - big or small.
Link to Pantamera
Link to SkyFox Interactive

Concept image with features of the design and a video showing the game in action.